Virginia Beach škole budućnosti

In May of 2021 the S.B. Ballard Construction Company and its team of uniquely qualified consultants submitted an unsolicited PPEA (Public Private Education Act) proposal to Virginia Beach City Public Schools to replace four of the division’s oldest schools with three new state-of-the-art, high-performance school facilities (see “What is a PPEA” tab for additional information). The three projects include new replacement high schools for the aging Princess Anne and Bayside High Schools and a new Bettie F. Williams 4-5/Bayside 6 consolidated school to replace both the existing Bettie F. Williams Intermediate (4th and 5th grades) and Bayside 6 Campus currently housed in the original Aragona Elementary School. The individual project tabs offer more detailed information on each project.
The proposed replacement program is designed to provide the three facilities in less than 7 years and three years ahead of the proposed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Each school will be custom designed to support current Academy and Advanced Academic Programs. As an additional benefit, Bayside High School’s design will be designed as the new Virginia Beach High School prototype, allowing the design to be reused and site-adapted in the future at Kempsville HS, First Colonial HS, and possibly Green Run HS. The new schools will include learning environments that support the VBCPS Compass to 2020 Transformational Learning Goals and address the Compass to 2025 Strategic Framework Goals for educational excellence. They will be designed to be consistent with VBCPS’s track record of providing quality learning environments for students with high performing and sustainable building features. Programming and Educational Specifications, including new division-wide high school educational Specifications, are included in the service offerings and will be used to guide the design process.
Each existing high school will be demolished and will require students to be relocated during construction of new schools on the existing sites. The Holland Road Annex (former Kellam High School) will serve as a swing space for the students during the construction period; first for Princess Anne High School and then Bayside High School.
The S. B. Ballard's team of professionals includes HBA Architecture and Interior Design, RRMM Architects, the Livas Group Architects, and BrainSpaces educational planners, along with a consortium of regional engineering consultants and supporting team members who are versed in educational project delivery (see more under “Team” tab). The Ballard Team offers a wealth of relevant experience in the programming, planning, design and construction of quality schools in Virginia Beach and across the Commonwealth.
The S.B. Ballard Team is currently only contracted for programming/planning, design and pre-construction services via an Interim Agreement. The Interim Agreement process will yield designs with enough detail to provide a GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price) for construction, with further consideration based on available funding. If funding is available and the GMP is accepted, the process may continue with a Comprehensive Agreement to complete the remaining design and construction.
The S.B.Ballard Team is honored to be offering its services for these noteworthy and important projects for Virginia Beach City Public Schools.