Virginia Beach Schools of the Future

Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) is beginning the process of replacing four of the division’s oldest schools with three new, high-performance school facilities.
In May of 2021, the S.B. Ballard Construction Company and its team of uniquely qualified design consultants submitted an unsolicited PPEA (Public Private Education Act) proposal to VBCPS for the replacement of Princess Anne High School, Bayside High School, Bayside Sixth Grade Campus, and Bettie F. Williams Elementary (see “WHAT IS A PPEA” tab for additional information). With the two high school replacements, a new, consolidated Bettie F. Williams 4-5/Bayside 6th Grade Campus would replace those existing schools currently housed in the original Aragona Elementary School.
S.B. Ballard Construction Company’s team of professionals includes HBA Architecture and Interior Design, RRMM Architects, the Livas Group Architects, and BrainSpaces Inc., educational facility planners, along with a consortium of regional engineering consultants and supporting team members who are well-versed in educational project delivery. The S.B. Ballard Construction Company PPEA team offers a wealth of relevant experience in the programming, planning, design and construction of quality schools in Virginia Beach and across the Commonwealth.
VBCPS and S.B. Ballard Construction Company’s PPEA team would like to invite the community to be involved in the planning process! The input and knowledge provided in the feedback sessions and workshops will be critical in shaping the vision to provide new facilities that will support the current and future educational programs for these schools. The purpose of these meetings will be to develop the educational program and space requirements, site design, and building design for the new replacement schools.
The Planning Advisory Teams for each school are comprised of VBCPS teachers, staff, and central office administrators as well as students, parents, and community members.
The Planning Advisory Team Planning Process and work sessions will be facilitated by the S. B. Ballard Construction Company PPEA team that includes in part, HBA Architecture & Interior Design, RRMM Architects, and BrainSpaces Inc.

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