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Virginia Beach City Public Schools Logo
School Replacement overview flyer and timelinee
Program overview and accomplishments to date

At-A-Glance Flyer - Updated June 13th, 2023

June 7th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Planning Advisory Team

The Bayside High School Planning Advisory Team got together one last time before summer break to review the updated conceptual design drawings for a new Bayside High School facility.  The group reviewed the different building and parking options, discussed how to effectively separate Learning Communities from common-use areas, and considered a variety of ways to connect with the outdoors (outdoor learning environments, exterior dining, vegetated roof, etc.). 

Bayside High School

June 7th, 2023 - Conceptual Design - Planning Advisory Team

The Bettie F Williams and Bayside 6th Grade Campus Planning Advisory Team got together for one last time before summer break on June 7th. The group reviewed the conceptual design options developed thus far and spent a lot of time discussing how to integrate the schools while keeping the different programs distinct from one another. 

Bettie F Williams and Bayside 6th Grade Campus

May 10th and 11th, 2023 - High School Educational Specification - Planning Advisory Team

At this week's high school educational specification meeting, the Planning Advisory Teams for Bayside High School and Princess Anne High School got together separately to discuss potential space allocations in the new schools. The group participated in a 'puzzle piece' activity, in which they came up with potential layouts and pathways for the new schools with a focus on the learner's everyday experience in the space. 

Bayside High School and Princess Anne High School